Quick Correspondence Spell Chart
The Elements
Element Intention:
Earth - Money,
prosperity, fertility, healing, employment
Air - Mental
powers, visions, psychic powers, wisdom
Fire - Lust,
courage, strength, protection, health
Water - Sleep, meditation, purification, prophetic dreams, healing, love, friendships, fidelity
Black -
Returning to sender, divination, protection
Purple - Calling
power of ancient ones, sigils/runes, government
Lavender -
Invoking the righteous spirit within you, favors for people
Dark Green -
Invoking the goddess of regeneration, agriculture, financial
Green - Healing or
Light Green -
Improve the weather
Dark Blue - To
create confusion
Blue -
Light Blue -
Protection of home/building/ young/etc
Red - Love,
romantic atmosphere, energy
Light Red - Deep
affection of a non-sexual nature
Pink - Harmony
and friendship in the home
Yellowv Healing
Gold Attraction
Burnt Orange - Opportunity
Orange -
Material gain, to seal a spell, attraction
Brown - Peace in
the home, herb magick, friendship
Silver - Quick
money, gambling, moon magick
White -
Righteousness, purity, devotional magick
Gray - Glamories
using Gems/Stones/Crystals:
Beauty - Amber,
Cat's-eye, Jasper, Opal
Business -
Bloodstone, Malachite, Green Tourmaline, Yellow Zircon
Courage - Agate,
Amethyst, Aquamarine, Bloodstone, Diamond,
Lapis Lazuli,
Tiger's-eye, Turquoise
Divination -
Azurite, Jet, Moonstone, Obsidian, Tiger's-eye
Dreams -
Amethyst, Azurite, Flourite
Friendship -
Chysoprase, Pink Tourmaline, Turquoise
God - Citrine,
Malachite, Sunstone
Goddess -
Moonstone, Chrysocolla
Grounding - Hematite,
Moonstone, Obsidian, Salt, Black Tourmaline
Happiness -
Amethyst, Yellow Zircon
Healing - Agate, Amber, Amethyst, Bloodstone, Cat's-eye, Coral, Diamond, Garnet, Jade, Jasper, Jet, Lapis Lazuli, Topaz, Turquoise,Red Zircon
Longevity -
Agate, Fossils, Jade, Petrified Wood
Love - Agate, Amber, Amethyst, Beryl, Emerald, Jade,Lapis Lazuli, Malachite, Moonstone, Olivine, Pearl, Sapphire, Topaz, Turquoise
Luck - Amber, Apache Tear, Aventurine, Cross Stone, Jet, Olivine, Opal, Pearl, Sardonyx, Tiger's-eye, Turquoise
Magickal Power -
Bloodstone, Quartz Crystal, Malachite, Opal, Ruby
Meditation -
Geodes, Sapphires, Sodalite
Mental Powers -
Aventurine, Emerald, Flourite, Zircon
Money, Wealth, Prosperity - Aventurine, Bloodstone, Calcite, Cat's-eye, Coal, Emerald, Jade, Mother-of-Pearl, Opal, Pearl, Peridot, Ruby, Salt, Sapphire, Tiger's-eye, Topaz, Green Tourmaline, Brown/Green/ Red Zircon
Peace - Amethyst, Aquamarine, Aventurine, Carnelian, Coral, Diamond, Lepidolite, Malachite, Obsidian, Sapphire, Sardonyx, Blue Tourmaline
Physical Energy - Beryl, Selenite, Sunstone, Tiger's-eye, Red Tourmaline, Red Zircon
Protection - Agate, Amber, Apache Tear, Calcite, Cat's-eye, Citrine, Coral, Quartz Crystal, Diamond, Emerald, Flint, Fossils, Garnet, Jade, Jasper, Jet, Lapis Lazuli, Lava, Malachite, Marble, Moonstone, Mother-of-Pearl, Obsidian, Onyx, Pearl, Peridot, Petrified Wood, Ruby, Salt, Sardonyx, Sunstone, Tiger's-eye, Topaz, Black Tourmaline, Red Tourmaline, Turquoise, Clear Zircon, Red Zircon
Purification -
Aquamarine, Salt
Sexual Energy -
Carnelian, Sunstone, Yellow Zircon
Sleep -
Moonstone, Peridot, Blue Tourmaline
Spirituality -
Calcite, Diamond, Sugilite
Success -
Amazonite, Chrysoprase, Marble
Travel -
Chalcedony, Orange Zircon
Wisdom - Coral,
Jade, Sodalite, Sugilite
Intention -Herbs
Beauty - Avocado, Catnip, Ginsing, Maidenhair, Catalysts - Dragon's Blood, Mandrake, Mistletoe
Courage - Borage, Mullein, Ragweed, Rose, Sweetpea, Tea, Thyme, Yarrow
Divination - Black Willow, Broom, Cherry, Clove, Dandelion, Hibiscus, Ivy, Meadowsweet, Orris
Dreams - Anise,
Cinnamon, Holly, Marigold, Mugwort, Yarrow
Employment -
Devil's Shoestring, Lucky Hand, Pecan
Fertility - Daffodil, Ginseng, Grape, Hazel, Mandrake, Mistletoe, Mugwort, Nuts, Oak, Patchouly, Poppy, Rice, Sunflower, Wheat
Friendship -
Lemon, Love Seed, Sweetpea
Happiness - Catnip, Cyclamen, Hawthorn, Hyacinth, Lavender, Marjoram, Meadowsweet, Saffron, Witch Grass
Healing -
Allspice, Apple, Bay, Bittersweet, Blackberry,
Carnation, Cedar, Cinnamon, Fennel, Flax, Gardenia, Garlic, Ginseng, Henna, Hops, Ivy, Job's Tears, Mint, Mugwort, Myrrh, Oak, Pine, Potato, Rose, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Thistle, Thyme, Violet, Willow
Love - Apple, Apricot, Almond, Barley, Basil, Brazil Nut, Chamomile, Cherry, Chestnut, Cinnamon, Clove, Clover, Coriander, Daffodil, Daisy, Gardenia, Ginger, Hibiscus, Jasmine, Juniper, Lavendar, Lemon, Marjoram, Meadowsweet, Mistletoe, Orange, Plum, Poppy, Raspberry, Rose, Rosemary, Senna, Strawberry, Thyme, Valerian, Vanilla, Violet, Willow, Yarrow
Luck - Allspice, Aloe, Bluebell, Clover, Daffodil, Fern, Goldenrod, Heather, Honeysuckle, Irish Moss, Job's Tears, Moss, Nutmeg, Rose, Sandalwood, Strawberry, Violet
Money, Wealth, Prosperity - Almond, Basil, Blackberry, Cedar, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Clove, Dill, Fern, Ginger, Goldenrod, Honeysuckle, Irish Moss, Jasmine, Lucky Hand, Mint, Moss, Myrtle, Nutmeg, Oak, Orange, Patchouly, Pine, Rice, Snapdragon, Tea, Vervain, Wheat
Peace -
Gardenia, Lavendar, Meadowsweet, Pennyroyal, Violet
Protection - Acacia, Aloe, Angelica, Anise, Ash, Basil, Birch, Blackberry, Blueberry, Broom, Caraway, Carnation, Cadar, Cinquefoil, Clover, Cotton, Cypress, Dill, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Flax, Foxglove, Grass, Hazel, Heather, Holly, Irish Moss, Ivy, Lilac, Mandrake, Marigold, Mistletoe, Mugwort, Mulberry, Oak, Olive, Pine, Primrose, Raspberry, Rice, Rose, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Spanish Moss, Thistle, Valerian, Violet, Willow
Psychic Ability
- Bay, Cinnamon, Honeysuckle, Marigold, Rose, Thyme, Yarrow
Purification - Bay, Broom, Cedar, Chamomile, Iris, Parsley, Sage, Valerian, Vervain
Sleep -
Chamomile, Hops, Lavendar, Peppermint, Rosemary, Thyme, Vervain
Spirituality -
Cinnamon, Frankincense, Heather, Myrrh, Sandalwood
Strength - Bay,
Carnation, Mugwort, Mulberry, Thistle
Success - Cinnamon, Clover, High John the Conqueror, Mistletoe, Patchouly, Sandalwood, Vanilla
Wisdom - Bodhi,
Iris, Sage, Sunflower
Wishes - Bamboo, Beech, Dandelion, Dogwood, Job's Tears, Sage, Sandalwood, Sunflower, Violet
In Your Kitchen
Below are some spell correspondences that can be found in your kitchen or other rooms in your house.
Prevent Theft -
Caraway, cumin, garlic
Negativity - Compact mirror, eggs, pepper
Beauty - Catnip
Cleansing -
Lemons, mayonnaise
Communication -
Cashews, mixed nuts
Courage - Tea
Divination -
Cherries, corn, oranges, roses
Fertility -
Bananas, eggs, grapes, mixed nuts, mustard, wheat
Friendship -
Lemons, marshmallows
Garden Magick -
Apples, grapes
Healing - Allspice, apples, barley, blackberries, carnations, cinnamon, eggs, garlic, limes, marshmallows, onions, rice, roses
Health - Caraway, fern leaves, nutmeg, sunflowers, sunflower seeds, tea, walnuts
Love - Apples, barley, basil, catnip, cherries, cinnamon, ginger, lemons, limes, mixed nuts, oranges, peas, pears, plums, roses, rosemary, tomatoes, vanilla
Luck - Allspice, cabbage, corn, fern leaves, nutmeg, oranges, pineapples, popcorn, roses
Prosperity - Almonds, bananas, mayonnaise, mixed nuts, popcorn, tomatoes, tuna
Protection - African violets, barley, basil, blackberries, caraway, carnations, cedar chips, cinnamon, coconuts, corn, fern leaves, garlic, limes, mustard, onions, pepper, radishes, rice, roses, rosemary, safety pins, tomatoes, turnips
Rain Making -
Fern leaves, rice Sleep Rosemary
Spirituality -
African violet, cinnamon
Nightmares - Garlic, nutmeg
Stopping Sexual
Harassment - Cedar chips, mothballs
Success -
Cinnamon, ginger, knotted pretzels
Wisdom -
Almonds, sunflowers, sunflower seeds
Wishes -
Sunflowers, sunflower seeds, walnuts